Sunday, November 16, 2008

Books for the Holiday

My blogging friend Amy, who has done much for promoting book blogs, now is promoting buying books for the holidays. Her new blog has recommendations for all ages.

Now this is nothing new in this household. My wish lists have always included books. And I love to give books -- especially to the nieces and nephews. This year, older stepson-to-be mentioned he liked the Hardy Boys. Mysteries! My favorite genre! Coincidentially, my friends at 4Mystery Addicts supplied a list of mysteries for young readers at about the same time. You can guess what he'll be getting from me.

But holiday books don't always have to be fiction. My brother and sister-in-law often get books on modern architecture or interior design (they hope to build a modernist home in upstate New York). My sister and mother get books on scrapbooking. My brother once gave me a lavish cookbook/travelogue on Spain. Cookbooks often make wonderful gifts.

I do have one recommendation this holiday season: Green Christmas: How to Have a Joyous, Eco-Friendly Holiday Season by Jennifer Basye Sander and Peter Sander. Some of their tips will make you rethink what the holiday season really is about.

Have a happy one!

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